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Welcome to the PRIMEVIEW Digital blog

Updated: Feb 2

Welcome to the PRIMEVIEW Digital blog: A space of exchange for all women!

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THIS BLOG? This blog is designed for all womens who want to share their experiences, pose questions, resolve uncertainties and find advice. It is also aimed at health professionals such as gynecologists, family planners, psychologists.

HOW TO ENTER? Simply subscribe using the link provided.

HOW TO POST A COMMENT OR AN ARTICLE? For comments, simply go under the post in question and add yours. For articles, due to technical constraints, please send them to our webmaster who will publish them according to their quality and relevance, mentioning the author with or without their contact details, according to their preferences.

SHOULD I COMMENT OR PUBLISH AN ARTICLE TO ACCESS THE CONTENT? No, the subscription also gives you access to reading without obligation.

HOW PROTECTION OF MY DATA AS A SUBSCRIBER? All publications and consultations guarantee complete anonymity, unless you choose to include your contact details , which will then be published with your article. No private information will be transmitted without your consent, and any registration is protected by law. Using a pseudonym is perfectly acceptable.

WHAT DO WE ACCEPT AS PUBLICATION? We accept any comment or article presented with decency. Insults, vulgarities or other offensive comments will be systematically deleted. Any subscriber publishing content incompatible with our blog will be warned and/or excluded from our list.

OPTIONS CONSIDERED FOR THE LAUNCH OF PRIMEVIEW digital: A CHALLENGE FOR CREATIVES For the launch of PRIMEVIEW digital, we welcome original publications from artists illustrating and sublimating the woman in her femininity, her modesty, her expectations, and her journey, such as pregnancy for example. Animated works may also be considered. As an international site, works must avoid shocking, discriminatory, political and religious images.

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